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Henry Prentiss
Prentiss’ Complete Preceptor
for the Cornopean, Bugle Horn & Key’s Bugle
- Languages: English
- Genre: Geschichte
- Komponiert: 1840
Reference: TP189
16,00 CHF
- Seiten: 26
- Verlag: The Brass Press
Henry Prentiss
About Prentiss’ Complete Preceptor
Facsimile Nachdruck des Prentiss’ Complete Preceptor for the Cornopean, Bugle Horn, and Key’d Bugle - also for the Plain and Key’d Trumpet with scales for the 5 different Trumpets in D-E flat F-G and C. Also a complete set of Exercises for the different Instruments and the Infantry calls for Bugle... Historisch interessante kleine Broschüre, erschienen ca. 1840 in Boston, USA