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Emilie Mende
Brass Instruments
Dictionary in 3 languages
- Languages: English, French, German
- Genre: Bibliography
- Composed: 1983/2010
Reference: BIM2
English / Français / Deutsch
- Pages: 95
- ISBN: 978-2-88039-004-4
- Publisher: Editions Bim
Emilie Mende
About Brass Instruments
This trilingual dictionary is intended for all those who, on an international level, are concerned with brass instruments. I have tried to consider the terminology of the various branches, such as: musicologists, curators of museums, collectors, performers and other professionals, teachers and students; as well as instrument makers, translators and last but not least, lovers of brass and interested readers.
It should be pointed out that this book is not meant to be a lexicon, or a trilingual dictionary of music. It is a glossary in 3 languages of the most important terms in current use of the brass world. Only where a catchword needs clarification or where the object referred to is not well-known is it followed by a brief definition.